Uke Waza - 打伎

Uke Waza - 打伎 (‘receiving block techniques’) are another, important step of techniques within the Kyokushin Karate. The result of a well-executed Karate receiving block is that the defender comes into a good position to move to attack. It is often said that a good attack is the best defense, but in Kyokushin Karate a good defense can also be the best attack.

During Kihon-training, individual techniques are trained with the aim of refining them, which will teach the Karateka to move more efficient and effective without adding excess extra movements. Positions and footwork, along with the use of hips, pelvis and abdomen, form the basis of the Kihon training. The emphasis is on the right way of moving and then getting to the final techniques.

Receiving techniques are first learned in their large form, Ō Waza - 大伎, and also in a hard form. That is, with large and round movements and powerful tension of the body on the exhalation and without evasive footwork. As they are performed faster and more powerfully and applied in combat exercises, the movement reduces, Ko Waza - 小伎.

Both hands have a function in a receiving block. In basic technique, one of the hands or arms makes the actual receiving block (Yang) and the other has a protective function (Yin). That is, the protective hand or arm, protects, during the receiving block, important Pressure or Vital Points, Kyusho - 急所, such as the Solar Plexus, Suigetsu - 水月. When the receiving block is trained with an opponent, the functions of both hands or arms can vary. The hand that has a protective function in the basic technique (Yin-hand) can therefore be given a more active function, such as e.g. intercepting, distracting or even completely repelling the attack. The protective hand can also begin with a counterattack in such a case.

If the Karateka is also able to fend off an attack in this way and stay afloat, he or she learns softer ways of defending. For example, receiving blocks with evasive footwork or relaxing receiving blocks on the inhalation.

In the Kihon training it is important to stick to the full and correct movement, to prevent dilution of the technique, as well as the formation of force contained in it.

At the basic receiving block techniques, the Yin hand, or the reaction hand, is pulled back against the side of the rib cage in the Hikite position. Here the ribs are not protected or minimally muscle-protected, partly that's why we turn the upper body 45 degrees. At most open hand receiving blocks, the reaction hand is pulled back to the Solar Plexus. With more advanced combinations and training forms, the reaction hand can also make a defensive or attacking movement. The arms make a conductive contact, with each other and/or the body. This keeps the coverage closed and forces joined.

Uke Receiving Blocks
Seiken Jodan Uke
正拳 上段受け

(10e Kyu)
Upper level Receiving Block
Wering op een hoge stoot
Shuto Jodan Uke
手刀 上段 十字受け

(10e Kyu)
Upper Knife Hand Receiving Block
Open Handkant Wering naar boven
Seiken Gedan Barai
正拳 下段払い

(10e Kyu)
Lower Receiving Block
Wering naar beneden
Shuto Gedan Barai
手刀 下段払い

(10e Kyu)
Knife-Hand Lower Receiving Block
Open Handkant Wering naar beneden
Seiken Soto Uke
正拳 外受け

(9e Kyu)
Middle Area Outside Receiving Block
Wering van buitenaf
Shuto Soto Uke
手刀 外受け

(9e Kyu)
Knife-Hand Middle Area Outside Receiving Block
Open Handkant Wering van buitenaf
Seiken Uchi Uke
正拳 內受け

(9e Kyu)
Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Wering van binnenuit
Shuto Uchi Uke
手刀 內受け

(9e Kyu)
Knife-Hand Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Open Handkant Wering van binnenuit
Seiken Uchi Uke Gedan Barai
正拳 內受け 下段払い

(8e Kyu)
Double Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Dubbel Wering van binnenuit
Shuto Uchi Uke Gedan Barai
手刀內受け 下段払い

(8e Kyu)
Knife-Hand Double Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Open Handkant Dubbel Wering van binnenuit
Morote Uchi Uke
正拳 內受け

(8e Kyu)
Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Ondersteund Wering van binnenuit
Shuto Mawashi Uke
手刀 回し受

(7e Kyu)
Circural Knife Hand Receiving Block
Draaiend Handkant Wering
Shuto Mae Mawashi Uke
手刀 前 回し受

(7e Kyu)
Roundhouse Receiving Block
Dubbele Spaakwiel Wering naar voren
Enkei Gyaku Tsuki
円 突き

(6e Kyu)
Circle Receiving Block followed by reverse Punch
Cirkel Blok gevolgd door tegengestelde Stoot
Mawashi Gedan Barai

(6e Kyu)
Circural Lower Receiving Block
Cirkel Wering naar beneden
Seiken Juji Gedan Barai

(6e Kyu)
Cross Hand Lower Receiving Block
Gekruisd Hand Wering naar beneden
Start met hoog gekruisd Wering en eindigt met Gedan Barai
Hiji Chudan Uke

(6e Kyu)
Elbow Middle Receiving Block
Midden Wering met Elleboog
Shuto Jodan Uchi Uke

(6e Kyu)
Knife Hand upper inside Receiving Block
Open Handkant Wering op een hoge stoot van binnenuit
Seiken Jodan Juji Uke

(5e Kyu)
Upper Cross Hand Receiving Block
Gekruisd Hand Wering naar boven
Shuto Jodan Juji Uke

(5e Kyu)
Upper Knife Hand Crossed or X Shaped Receiving Block
Open Handkant gekruisd Wering naar boven
Seiken Gedan Juji Uke
正拳下段 十字受け

(5e Kyu)
Upper Cross Hand Receiving Block
Gekruisd Hand Wering naar beneden
Shuto Gedan Juji Uke
手刀下段 十字受け

(5e Kyu)
Lower Knife Hand Crossed or X Shaped Receiving Block
Open Handkant gekruisd Wering naar beneden
Shotei Jodan Uke
掌底 上段受け

(5e Kyu)
High Palm Heel Receiving Block
Hoge Handpalm Wering
( Teisho )
Shotei Chudan Uke
掌底 外受け

(5e Kyu)
Middle Palm Heel Receiving Block
Midden Handpalm Wering
Shotei Gedan Uke
掌底 下段払い

(5e Kyu)
Low Palm Heel Receiving Block
Lage Handpalm Wering
Koken Jodan Uke
弧拳 上段受け

(4e Kyu)
Wrist Upper Receiving Block
Hoog Wering met Pols
Koken Chudan Uke
弧拳 外受け

(4e Kyu)
Wrist Middle Receiving Block
Midden Wering met Pols
Koken Gedan Uke
弧拳 下段払い

(4e Kyu)
Wrist Lower Receiving Block
Laag Wering met Pols
Shuto Morote Gedan Uke
手刀 下段払い)

(3e Kyu)
Both Knife-Hands Lower Receiving Block
Dubbel Open Hand Wering naar beneden
Shotei Morote Gedan Uke
掌底 諸手 下段払い

(3e Kyu)
Double Low Palm Heel Receiving Block
Dubbele Lage Handpalm Wering
Kake Uke (J/C)

(6e Kyu)
Hooking Receiving Block
Haak Wering
Kake Morote Jodan Uke
掛 諸手 上段 受け

(5e Kyu)
Supported High Hooking Receiving Block
Ondersteunde Haakwering
Haito Uchi Uke
背刀 內受け

(1e Kyu)
Inner Knife-Hand Middle Inside Receiving Block
Wering van binnenuit met Duimzijde hand
Shotei Osea Uke
掌底 押え受け

(1e Kyu)
Palm Heel press down Receiving Block
Neerwaards Handpalm Wering
Haitō Morote Uchi Uke

(1e Dan)
Supported Ridge Hand Inner Receiving Block
Ondersteunde Wering van binnenuit met Duimzijde hand
Frequently used Block Techniques
Seiken Morote Gedan Barai
正拳 諸手 下段払い
Seiken Kake Wake Uke
正拳 掻き分け受け
Reverse Wedge Receiving Block
Dubbel Wering naar beneden
Seiken Uchi Uke / Jodan Uke
正拳 內受け上段受け

(2e Pinan)
Double Block, Middle Area Inside Block and Upper level Receiving Block
Dubbel Wering, van binnenuit en naar boven
Haito Uke

(2e Pinan)
Ridge Hand Receiving Block
Wering met Duimzijde Hand
Shuto Uchi Uke / Jodan Uke
手刀 內受け上段受け

(2e Pinan)
Knife-Hand Double Receiving Block, Middle Area Inside Receiving Block and Upper level Receiving Block
Open Handkant Dubbel Wering, van binnenuit en naar boven
Seiken Manji Uke
正拳 卍受

(5e Pinan)
Double Receiving block, combining a lower level sweeping Receiving Block and upper level rising Receiving Block
Dubbel Wering, combinatie van een Wering naar beneden en naar boven
Gedan Barai with Jodan Uchi Uke or Jodan Soto Yoko Te
Mikazuki Geri Uke

(5e Pinan, Kanku)
Circular Receiving Block with Sole from the outside to the inside
Cirkelvormig Wering met Voetzool van buiten naar binnen
Mika : ’halve maan’
Teisoku Mawashi Geri Uke
Teisoku Geri Uke
Haishu Uke

(5e Pinan, Seipai, Kanku)
Receiving Block with back of Hand Circular Block with Sole from the outside to the inside
Wering met de achterkant van de Hand
Shotei Uchi Uke Gedan Barai
掌底 內受け 下段払い

Palm Heel Double Middle Area Inside Receiving Block
Handpalm dubbel Wering van binnenuit
Shotei Yumi Uke
掌底 弓 受け

Palm Heel Bow Receiving Block
Handpalm Boog Wering
Koken Jodan Morote Uke

Double Wrist Upper Receiving Block
Hoog Ondersteund Wering met Pols
Sune Uke

Shin Receiving Block
Wering met Scheenbeen