Begin the Kata in FUDO DACHI. Move into MUSUBI DACHI and MOKUSO on the command MOKUSO. On the next command Sushiho, open eyes and wait until the command YOI. Then start perform a slow YOI DACHI with IBUKI that ends in HEIKO DACHI |
1. |
On the command HAJIME/ICHI kick a right KAGATO USHIRO AGE GERI and lunge forward into right MORO ASHI DACHI, controlling the attack with left SHOTEI and strike with a right URAKEN OROSHI GANMEN UCHI ending with the right EMPI on the left HIRATE (open hand, HAISHU). |
2. |
Kick a right KAGATO USHIRO AGE GERI and lunge forward into right MORO ASHI DACHI, controlling the attack with left SHOTEI and strike with a right URAKEN OROSHI GANMEN UCHI ending with the right EMPI on the left HIRATE (open hand, HAISHU). |
3. |
Move forward into left SANCHIN DACHI and slowly block SEIKEN MOROTE CHUDAN UCHI UKE. |
4. |
Move forward into right SANCHIN DACHI and slowly block right KAKE JODAN UKE (left hand in closed HIKITE). |
5. |
Strike a left NIHON SEIKEN CHUDAN TSUKI (left / right). |
6. |
Move forward into left SANCHIN DACHI and slowly block left KAKE JODAN UKE (right hand in closed HIKITE). |
7. |
Strike a right NIHON SEIKEN CHUDAN TSUKI (right / left). |
8. |
Look to the right and kick straight from KAGI TSUKI NO KAMAE at 45° clockwise a JODAN YOKO GERI and step in KIBA DACHI (also at 45° clockwise - MIGI MAE NANAME) and strike right SEIKEN JUN TSUKI. |
9. |
Look to the left and kick straight from KAGI TSUKI NO KAMAE at 90° counterclockwise a JODAN YOKO GERI and step in KIBA DACHI (also at 90° counterclockwise - HIDARI MAE NANAME) and strike left SEIKEN JUN TSUKI. |
10. |
From KIBA DACHI pivot 45° clockwise into left ZENKUTSU DACHI, while performing a right HIJI CHUDAN AGE ATE. Move the right foot forward to the left (into HEIKO DACHI), immediately move it to the right into KIBA DACHI and continue the movement with HIJI CHUDAN AGE ATE and follow with a right HIJI OROSHI ATE (go down) with KIAI. |
11. |
Open both hands and bring them in front of the face (hand palms out). With both hands in this position move forward into right MORO ASHI DACHI and simultaneously block SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (1). |
12. |
Again bring both open hands in front of the face (hand palms out). With both hands in this position move forward into right MORO ASHI DACHI and simultaneously block SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (2). |
13. |
By moving the left foot across turn 180° counterclockwise into left KOKUTSU DACHI and block left HAITO UCHI UKE, followed by a left SHOTEI OSAE UKE and immitiately strike a right SHOTEI CHUDAN UCHI, leaving the left hand in place. (1). |
14. |
Move forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and block right HAITO UCHI UKE, followed by a right SHOTEI OSAE UKE and immitiately strike a left SHOTEI CHUDAN UCHI, leaving the right hand in place. (2). |
15. |
Move forward into left KOKUTSU DACHI and block left HAITO UCHI UKE, followed by a left SHOTEI OSAE UKE and immitiately strike a right SHOTEI CHUDAN UCHI, leaving the left hand in place. (3). |
16. |
Move the left foot forward sliding into KIBA DACHI (body is turning 90° counterclockwise) and block left SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (both open hands from right above to left below as if you hold a BO). |
17. |
Move back, USHIRO KOSA ASHI (left behind right), into KIBA DACHI and block left SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI. Look at the opponent’s BO at the right above, grab it and AITE no BO TORI (taking the opponent’s BO), with KIAI (look forward). |
18. |
Look to the right and block right SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (both open hands from left above to right below as if you hold a BO). |
19. |
Move back, USHIRO KOSA ASHI (right behind left), into KIBA DACHI and block right SHOTU MOROTE GEDAN BARAI. Look at the opponent’s BO at the left above, grab it and AITE no BO TORI, with KIAI (look forward). |
20. |
Look to the left and block left SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (both open hands from left above to left below as if you hold a BO). |
21. |
Turn 90° counterclockwise and lunge forward into right MORO ASHI DACHI, controlling the attack with left SHOTEI and strike with a right URAKEN OROSHI GANMEN UCHI ending with the right EMPI on the left HIRATE (open hand, HAISHU). |
22. |
Move the right foot across and turn 180° counterclockwise into left SANCHIN DACHI and simultaneously block left SEIKEN UCHI UKE. With the same arm back to HIKITE, strike left HIJI CHUDAN ATE, followed by a left URAKEN GANMEN UCHI, cover with the left arm and right SHUTO HIZO UCHI (1). |
23. |
Move forward into right SANCHIN DACHI and simultaneously block right SEIKEN UCHI UKE. With the same arm back to HIKITE, strike right HIJI CHUDAN ATE, followed by a right URAKEN GANMEN UCHI, cover with the right arm and left SHUTO HIZO UCHI (2). |
24. |
Move forward into left SANCHIN DACHI and simultaneously block left SEIKEN UCHI UKE. With the same arm back to HIKITE, strike left HIJI CHUDAN ATE, followed by a left URAKEN GANMEN UCHI, cover with the left arm and right SHUTO HIZO UCHI (3). |
25. |
Still in the same stance raise the right hand slowly upwards into SHOTEI JODAN UKE (SHOTEI NO SUKUI - lifting the opponent’s JODAN attack). |
26. |
With the hands in the same position kick right CHUDAN MAE GERI, step into right ZENKUTSU DACHI, then punch left SEIKEN CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI (TE KOTE SASAE SEIKEN CHUDAN TSUKI - supporting it with the right SHOTEI hand towards the top of the right fore arm).
Note: picture is not correct, it should be CHUDAN. |
27. |
Quickly change direction by swiveling the hips to the left, 135° counterclockwise, into left ZENKUTSU DACHI and move both arms upwards crossing block (SEIKEN JUJI JODAN UKE) and continue with a SEIKEN MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (with both hands, like a KAKI WAKE UKE). |
28. |
Slowly move both arms in a complete circle starting inwards and upwards, crossing in the middle. When completed the cirlcle, again move the arms upwards in a crossing block (SEIKEN JUJI JODAN UKE), hold and then turn 45° counterclockwise into left ZENKUTSU DACHI and finish the movement with SEIKEN MOROTE GEDAN BARAI. |
29. |
Step forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI, with a slow right KAKE MOROTE MAWASHI UKE (the block starts with both hands at the left side of the body and follow a smooth half circle movement) (1). |
30. |
Step forward into left KOKUTSU DACHI, with a slow left KAKE MOROTE MAWASHI UKE (2). |
31. |
Step forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI, with a slow right MOROTE MAWASHI KAKE UKE (3). |
32. |
Move the left foot across the right, turning the body 270° counterclockwise into left KOKUTSU DACHI and block left KAKE MOROTE MAWASHI UKE (4). |
33. |
With the arms in this position move forward, MAE KOSA ASHI (right before left cross), into KIBA DACHI, turning the body 90° clockwise (looking to the left), and block left SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (from right above to left below as if you hold a BO). |
34. |
Look to the front and block with left SHOTEI OSAE UKE and prepare for an URAKEN OROSHI strike. Execute a right URAKEN OROSHI GANMEN UCHI ending with the right EMPI on the left HIRATE (open hand, HAISHU). |
35. |
Immediately go into right NUKITE NO KAMAE (controlling the opponent’s hand) and strike left NIHON CHUDAN YONHON NUKITE (left / right) with KIAI. |
36. |
Look to the right and make right SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (from left above to right below as if you BO). |
37. |
With the arms in this position move to the right, MAE KOSA ASHI (left before right cross), into KIBA DACHI, looking to the right, and block right SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (from left above to right below as if you BO). |
38. |
Look to the front and block with right SHOTEI OSAE UKE and simultaneously prepare for an URAKEN OROSHI strike. Execute a left URAKEN OROSHI GANMEN UCHI ending with the left EMPI on the right HIRATE (open hand, HAISHU). |
39. |
Immediately go into left NUKITE NO KAMAE (controlling the opponent’s hand), strike right NIHON CHUDAN YONHON NUKITE (right / left) with KIAI. |
40. |
Move the right foot forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and strike SEIKEN CHUDAN OI TSUKI (1). |
41. |
Move forward into left KOKUTSU DACHI and strike SEIKEN CHUDAN OI TSUKI (2). |
42. |
Move forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and strike SEIKEN CHUDAN OI TSUKI (3). |
43. |
Pivot both feet into left SANCHIN DACHI, turning the body 90° counterclockwise, and simultaneously bring both hands, fists closed, into URAKEN MOROTE SAYU no KAMAE (elbows on shoulder height). |
44. |
Strike URAKEN MOROTE SAYU GANMEN UCHI and bring the hands back in the KAMAE, strike with HAITO MOROTE JODAN UCHI (start movement low), returning both hands to HIKITE, while closing fists, followed immediately with SEIKEN MOROTE JODAN TSUKI, returning both hands to HIKITE. Continue blocking with left JUJI JODAN UKE followed by a fast left SEIKEN MOROTE GEDAN BARAI. Continue with a slow full circle movement (in-out), from under, above, under and finish above with left JUJI JODAN UKE followed by a fast left SEIKEN MOROTE GEDAN BARAI. |
45. |
Move the left foot, turning the body 90°90° counterclockwise, into left ZENKUTSU DACHIZENKUTSU DACHI and strike SEIKEN CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI (directly from former KAMAE). |
46. |
Move forward into right MORE ASHI DACHI and simultaneously block SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (1). |
47. |
Move forward into right MORE ASHI DACHI and simultaneously block SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (2). |
48. |
Move forward into right MORE ASHI DACHI and simultaneously block SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN BARAI (3). |
49. |
Move the right foot (back foot) across, turning the body 180° counterclockwise, into left KOKUTSU DACHI, block left SHOTEI OSAE UKE and strike right CHUDAN YONHON NUKITE. |
50. |
Move forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and block right SHOTEI OSAE UKE and strike left CHUDAN YONHON NUKITE with KIAI. |
51. |
Move the right foot back into MUSUBI DACHI and retain the MOKUSO position. |
The Kata is completed on the command NAORE when the FUDO DACHI position is taken.
At the command YASMEE relax and at ease.
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