Garyu - 臥竜

Garyu means ‘reclining dragon’.

The kata Garyu - 臥竜, is not taken from traditional Okinawan Karate but was created by Masutatsu Oyama and named after his pen name (Garyu: 'reclining dragon'), which is the Japanese pronunciation of the characters 臥龍, the name of the village (Il Loong) in Korea where he was born.

In Japanese philosophy, a great man who remains in obscurity is called a Garyu. A dragon is all-powerful, but a reclining dragon chooses not to display his power until it is needed.

Likewise, a true Karateka does not brag about or show off his abilities. He never forgets the true virtue of humility.

Garyu - 臥竜
video instructions

# Explanation step by step 3e Dan
Begin the Kata in FUDO DACHI. Move into MUSUBI DACHI and MOKUSO on the command MOKUSO. On the next command Garyu, open eyes and wait until the command YOI. Then start perform a slow YOI DACHI with IBUKI that ends in HEIKO DACHI
1. On the command HAJIME/ICHI, still in position, block left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE (starts from the right hand site of your neck), supported with your right hand in the middle of your fore-arm (this hand is ready for a NUKITE to the opponents face).
2. In the same position kick a right JODAN MAWASHI GERI CHUSOKU.
3. Block a right KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your left hand.
4. In the same position kick a left JODAN MAWASHI GERI CHUSOKU.
5. Jump back with your right foot in left ZENKUTSU DACHI while making SHUTO MOROTE GEDAN UKE, a double block with the open hands.
6. Kick a left TOBI MAE GERI, followed by a JODAN MOROTE TSUKI with KIAI.
7. Step forward in right KOKUTSU DACHI and make a right KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your left hand (1).
8. Step forward in left KOKUTSU DACHI and make a left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your right hand (2).
9. Step forward in right KOKUTSU DACHI and make a right KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your left hand (3).
10. Step forward in left KOKUTSU DACHI and make a left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your right hand (4).
11. Step back in right KOKUTSU DACHI (move left foot back), while blocking a left SHOTEI MOROTE GEDAN UKE (right SHOTEI is on top of the left), immediately block upwards by a left KOKEN MOROTE JODAN UKE (right KOKEN is on top of the left) (1).
12. Step back in left KOKUTSU DACHI, while blocking a right SHOTEI MOROTE GEDAN UKE (left on right), immediately block upwards by a right KOKEN MOROTE JODAN UKE (left on right) (2).
13. Step back in right KOKUTSU DACHI, while blocking a left SHOTEI MOROTE GEDAN UKE (right on left), immediately block upwards by a left KOKEN MOROTE JODAN UKE (right on left) (3).
14. Step back in left KOKUTSU DACHI, while blocking a right SHOTEI MOROTE GEDAN UKE (left on right), immediately block upwards by a right KOKEN MOROTE JODAN UKE (left on right) (4).
15. In the same position kick right JODAN MAWASHI GERI HAISOKU, followed by e left JODAN USHIRO MAWASHI GERI (both connected) and step into left KOKUTSU DACHIand block a left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE (left hand supported with your right hand).
16. Step forward in right KOKUTSU DACHI and make a left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE (1).
17. Step forward in left KOKUTSU DACHI and make a right KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE (2).
18. Turn 270° back in right KOKUTSU DACHI and make a right KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE (3).
19. Move the left leg across and turn 180° counterclockwise into left KOKUTSU DACHI and make a left KAKE JODAN MOROTE UKE, supported with your right hand (4).
20. Leap sideward into KAKE ASHI DACHI (jump with the right foot sideward, followed by the left one, behind the right one) and block a right KAKE MOROTE UKE, supported with the left hand, with KIAI.
21. Jump high in the air, turn 180° counterclockwise and land in a low KAKE ASHI DACHI (a crossed leg crouching position) and block a right SEIKEN JUJI GEDAN UKE.
22. Stay low and move the right leg 90° clockwise into right SOSHIN DACHI and block a right SHUTO MAWASHI UKE.
23. Make a right KAKE CHUDAN UKE (slow hook), followed by a left CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI.
24. Bring your weight on the right leg and move the left leg across and turn 180° counterclockwise into left SOSHIN DACHI
25. Make a left KAKE CHUDAN UKE (slow hook), followed by a right CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI.
26. Open both hands and slowly extend both arms forward and to the side, bring them to the SUNI of the opponents kicking leg (left on top - knee, right below - ankle).
27. Stand up whilst moving forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and block a right HAITO CHUDAN MOROTE UCHI UKE (supported with your left hand) (1).
28. Step forward into left KOKUTSU DACHI and block a left HAITO CHUDAN MOROTE UCHI UKE (supported with your right hand) (2).
29. Step forward into right KOKUTSU DACHI and block a right HAITO CHUDAN MOROTE UCHI UKE (supported with your left hand) (3).
30. Move the left foot across and turn 180° counterclockwise into left KOKUTSU DACHI, and block a left HAITO CHUDAN UCHI UKE, followed by left CHUDAN GYAKU YONHON NUKITE with KIAI.
Move the left fgoot back inot MUSUBI DACHI and the MOKUSO position is retained. The Kata is completed on the command NAORE and the FUDO DACHI position is taken.

At the command YASMEE relax and at ease.

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Garyu - 臥竜
source Youtube


Instructions Garyu

Kihon Waza
Dachi Waza

Fudo Dachi
Mosubi Dachi
Joi Dachi
Heiko Dachi
Zenkutsu Dachi
Kokutsu Dachi
Kake Ashi Dachi
Sochin Dachi

Te Waza

Jodan Morote Tsuki
Chudan Gyaku Tsuki
Chudan Yonhon Nukite

Uke Waza

Kake Jodan Morote Uke
Shuto Gedan Morote Uke
Shotei Gedan Morote Uke
Koken Jodan Morote Uke
Kake Jodan Morote Uke
Kake Chudan Uke
Seiken Gedan Juji Uke
Shuto Mawashi Uke
Haito Chudan Morote Uchi Uke
Haito Chudan Uchi Uke

Geri Waza

Jodan Mawashi Geri Chusoku
Tobi Mae Geri
Jodan Mawashi Geri Haisoku
Jodan Ushiro Mawashi Geri
Jodan Mae Geri

Kihon Jutsugo

Kamae - 構え, means posture or base. Kamae is to be differentiated from the word Dachi - 立ち. Dachi refers to the position of the body from the waist down, Kamae refers to the posture of the entire body, as well as encompassing one's mental readiness.Kamae
Mokusō - 黙想, means meditation, part of the training of mushin; the call to meditate.Mokuso
Hajime - 始め, means begin.Hajime
Hikite - 引き手 means drawing hand: Hiku - 引き, to draw or pull, and Te - 手, the hand.Hikite
Ibuki is karate’s hard breathing method. Ibuki breathing is a study of tension, which is necessary to truly understand relaxation. While ibuki breathing serves as a dynamic tension exercise, its true value is ki development, since it teaches the breathing control necessary for kiai. Ibuki breathing is performed in two ways, one long, and one short. Ibuki
'Shin' of the leg.Suni
Naore - 直れ, is a command to go back into the beginning Kamae.Naore
Yasumi - 休み, is a command to rest or relax.Yasume