1. |
Begin the Kata in FUDO DACHI. On the command PINAN sono Go URA followed by YOI start from the base KAMAE position and perform a slow JUMONJI/YOI DACHI. On the command HAJIME/ICHI turn counterclockwise 450° (360° + 90°) on the right foot into left KOKUTSU DACHI, block left CHUDAN UCHI UKE and punch right CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI. |
2. |
Turning 90° return the left foot into HEISOKU DACHI simultaneously the right fist is pulled straight, but slowly, back to the ready punch position (across the body) with the left fist placed on top of the right. |
3. |
Turn clockwise 450° (360° + 90°) on the left foot into right KOKUTSU DACHI and block right CHUDAN UCHI UKE and punch left CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI. |
4. |
Turning 90° return the right foot into HEISOKU DACHI simultaneously the left fist is pulled straight, but slowly, back to the ready punch position (across the body) with the right fist placed on top of the left. |
5. |
With the hands still in the same position turn clockwise 360° on the left foot into right ZENKUTSU DACHI and block right CHUDAN MOROTE UCHI UKE. |
6. |
With the hands still in the same position turn counterclockwise 360° on the right foot into left ZENKUTSU DACHI and block SEIKEN JUJI GEDAN UKE (the block is executed from the JUJI position from the right ear). |
7. |
Drive both arms up into SHUTO JUJI UKE (left arm under right). |
8. |
Execute a twisting movement with both SHUTO hands, pull the right hand back to the ready punch position and position the left hand in top. |
9. |
With the hands still in the same position turn clockwise 360° on the left foot into right ZENKUTSU DACHI, punch right CHUDAN OI TSUKI and KIAI simultaneously pulling the left hand back closed to the ready punch position. |
10. |
Turn 180° blocking right leg TEISOKU UKE and prepare to block GEDAN BARAI (the leg block is executed as if being attacked from behind and the left hand covers the groin). Place the right foot down into KIBA DACHI and block GEDAN BARAI. |
11. |
Turn your head 180° to the left, quickly bring the right palm in front of your face to cover with SHOTEI, the left hand is positioned under the right arm, palm open horizontal to the floor. Bring the left hand slowly from under the right arm pit and strike HAISHU at approximately head height, simultaneously pulling the right hand back closed to the ready punch position. |
12. |
Using the right foot strike your left hand with TEISOKU UKE. Return the right leg and simultaneously strike the left hand with JODAN HIJI ATE. When placing th right foot to the ground, turn clockwise 360° on the left foot into right KAKE DACHI and block with right CHUDAN MOROTE UCHI UKE. |
13. |
Retaining the KAKE DACHI position, bring right fist upwards keeping the left hand touching the right arm. Turn your head 180° to the front and step into a stance similar to KOKUTSU DACHI (all these movements are executed in fast succession). |
14. |
Take a small step forward with the left foot, then pulling both fists back to the ready punch position, simultaneously leap into the air turning 90° to the left, as you land into a low KAKE DACHI you block SEIKEN JUJI UKE and KIAI (left arm under right). |
15. |
When coming up turn clockwise 450° (360° + 90°) on the left foot into right ZENKUTSU DACHI and block right CHUDAN MOROTE UKE. |
16. |
With the hands still in the same position turn counterclockwise 585° (360° + 180° + 45°) on the right foot into a left ZENKUTSU DACHI, simultaneously block right SHUTO GEDAN UKE and the left hand is brought up to the right ear (but not touching) with the fingers pointing upwards, palm towards the face (the top hand should be positioned so that when you face 45° to an opponent the hand should not be visible). |
17. |
Turn the hips into left KIBA DACHI, turn the right hand and pull it back and extend it fully upwards above the right shoulder with the fist closed, simultaneously block left GEDAN BARAI and keep the head facing the direction of the block. |
18. |
Retaining the arm positions bring the left foot to the right into MUSUBI DACHI. |
19. |
With the hands still in the same position turn clockwise 405° (360° + 45°) on the left foot into a right ZENKUTSU DACHI simultaneously block left SHUTO GEDAN UKE and the right hand is brought up to the left side of the head (as previously described). |
20. |
Turn the hips into right KIBA DACHI turn the left hand and pull it back and extend it fully upwards above the left shoulder with fist closed, simultaneously block right GEDAN BARAI and keep the head facing the direction of the block. |
On the NAORE command return to FUDO DACHI (pull left foot back to the base position, stil looking right until the turn is completed).
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