Begin the Kata in FUDO DACHI. Move into MUSUBI DACHI and MOKUSO on the command MOKUSO. On the next command Saiha, open eyes and wait until the command YOI. Then start perform a slow YOI DACHI with IBUKI that ends in HEIKO DACHI |
1. |
On the command HAJIME/ICHI move the right foot forward and turn 90° counterclockwise into HEISOKU DACHI, simultaneously move the hands in a right HIKITE* position. Aim: freeing the grip, and maintaining control on the opponent's hand.
*hidari SHOTEI no ue ni migi SEIKEN – left open hand on top off right fore-fist. |
2. |
Make a right HIJI YOKO JODAN ATE, short movement with the right elbow up in a circular upper movement and turn the fist in the open left hand (looking the same direction the like elbow is pointing). |
3. |
While dropping SHOTEI with the left hand from above to cover the position slightly above belt level, move the left foot straight back into KIBA DACHI and strike right URAKEN SAYU GANMEN UCHI (1). |
4. |
Move the left foot forward and turn 90° clockwise into HEISOKU DACHI, simultaneously move the hands in a left HIKITE* position.
*migi SHOTEI no ue ni hidari SEIKEN – right open hand on top off left fore-fist. |
5. |
Make a left HIJI YOKO JODAN ATE, short movement with the left elbow up in a circular upper movement and turn the fist in the open right hand (looking the same direction the like elbow is pointing). |
6. |
While dropping SHOTEI with the right hand from above to cover the position slightly above belt level, move the right foot straight back into KIBA DACHI and strike left URAKEN SAYU GANMEN UCHI (2). |
7. |
Mmove the right foot forward and turn 90° counterclockwise into HEISOKU DACHI, simultaneously move the hands in a right HIKITE* position.
*hidari SHOTEI no ue ni migi SEIKEN – left open hand on top off right fore-fist. |
8. |
Make a right HIJI YOKO JODAN ATE, short movement with the right elbow up in a circular upper movement and turn the fist in the open left hand (looking the same direction the like elbow is pointing). |
9. |
While dropping SHOTEI with the left hand from above to cover the position slightly above belt level, move the left foot straight back into KIBA DACHI and strike right URAKEN SAYU GANMEN UCHI (3). |
10. |
Turn the body 90° clockwise keeping the right foot in place, simultaneously turning the head in the right direction and position both hands for the block (right high and left low) and move the left foot, in line, to the left side, approximately two shoulder widths from the right foot. Then pull the right foot slowly along the ground towards the side of the left foot (keeping the hips facing forward) in right NEKO ASHI DACHI, simultaneously with the leg movement perform a slow double blocking movement with both hands open (right hand moves downwards similar to SHOTEI GEDAN BARAI and the left hand moves to a position similar to HAITO JODAN UCHI UKE. |
11. |
From this position, the head turns quickly to the front and kick right CHUDAN MAE GERI with both hands in the same position. After the kick, place the right foot down, to the right, approximately two shoulder widths from the left foot, look to the left and move the left foot to the right in left NEKO ASHI DACHI, simultaneously with the leg movement perform a slow double blocking movement with both hands open (left hand moves downwards similar to SHOTEI GEDAN BARAI and the right hand moves to a position similar to HAITO JODAN UCHI UKE. |
12. |
Kick left CHUDAN MAE GERIand immediately after the kick place the foot back so to end up in right ZENKUTSU DACHI as the foot comes back execute HAITO MOROTE JODAN UCHI to the neck, pulled back both hands in HIKITE, and then punch a SEIKEN MOROTE JODAN TSUKI. |
13. |
Open left hand and move the hands around in a large circular motion and finish the motion with a right TETTSUI HIZO UCHI in the open left hand (TETTSUI OROSHI MAWASHI GEDAN UCHI) *.
*migi TETTSUI ni hidari SHOTEI – right hammer fist into left open hand. |
14. |
Step across with the right foot and turn 180° counterclockwise into left ZENKUTSU DACHI, execute HAITO MOROTE UCHI to the neck, pulled back both hands in HIKITE, and then punch a SEIKEN MOROTE JODAN TSUKI. |
15. |
Open right hand and move the hands around in a large circular motion and finish the motion with a left TETTSUI HIZO UCHI in the open right hand (TETTSUI OROSHI MAWASHI GEDAN UCHI) *.
*hidari TETTSUI ni migi SHOTEI – left hammer fist into right open hand. |
16. |
Move the right foot towards the left and slightly in front to perform a leg sweep, right ASHI BARAI, simultaneously the right fist is positioned above and behind the head in preparation to strike. Turn 180° clockwise to complete the movement on the left leg, keeping the right knee as high as possible, stamp the right foot down into right SANCHIN DACHI and strike right TETTSUI OROSHI GANMEN UCHI with KIAI, pulling the left fist back into HIKITE. Finish the movement by opening the right fist and execute a fast TENSHO hooking movement, KAKE JODAN UKE, simultaneously move the right foot into right NEKO ASHI DACHI and punch left SEIKEN SHITA TSUKI, pulling the right hand back into HIKITE. |
17. |
Make a left ASHI BARAI, simultaneously the left fist is positioned above and behind the head in preparation to strike. Turn 180° counterclockwise to complete the movement on the right leg, keeping the left knee as high as possible, stamp the left foot down into left SANCHIN DACHI and strike left TETTSUI OROSHI GANMEN UCHI with KIAI, pulling the right fist back into HIKITE. Finish the movement by opening the left fist and execute a fast TENSHO hooking movement, KAKE JODAN UKE, simultaneously move the left foot into left NEKO ASHI DACHI and punch right SEIKEN SHITA TSUKI, pulling the left hand back into HIKITE. |
18. |
Move forward with the right foot into right ZENKUTSU DACHI and punch SEIKEN CHUDAN GYAKU TSUKI. |
19. |
Move the left foot forward in line with the right one, open the left hand into SHOTEI, pivot on the left foot, turn quickly 180° clockwise into NEKO ASHI DACHI, control (slowly block) with a left SHOTEI. In the same position open en bring the right hand in HAITO in a circle movement towards you as if hooking the neck and at the same time the left hand slowly strikes CHUDAN URA YONHON NUKITE (palm upwards - the final position should be with the right hand over and in line with the left NUKITE position and not extended beyond it). |
20. |
In the same position block SHUTO GYAKU MAE MAWASHI UKE (left hand up) with IBUKI. |
21. |
Move the right foot back into MUSUBI DACHI and the MOKUSO position is retained. |
The Kata is completed on the command NAORE the FUDO DACHI position is taken.
At the command YASUME relax and at ease.
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